Exosquelettes: perspectives pour la rééducation du membre supérieur post AVC
Agnès Roby-Brami  1@  
1 : ISIR Paris  -  Site web
Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
roby-brami@isir.upmc.fr -  France

Résumé: à définir

Bio: Agnès Roby-Brami received the M.D. degree from the University Paris Descartes, in 1982, and the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees and University Habilitation in Neurosciences from Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France, in 1982, 1991, and 2001, respectively. She is a physician who performed her residency in Paris Hospitals during 1977–1982. She was appointed as a Research Associate at INSERM in 1983 and promoted to Research Director in 2005. Her first research interest was in the field of clinical neurophysiology after which she focused on upper limb motor control, disability, and recovery in cerebral and spinal injured patients. She is now with the Institute on Intelligent Systems and Robotics, her main research topic is directed to assistive robotics for the rehabilitation of upper-limb function. She is the author or coauthor of 83 peer-reviewed academic publications, and 44 contributions to edited books. She was also actively involved in several Academic Networks concerning research on disability.

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